Charged With A DUI?
It is not difficult to find yourself charged with a DUI. A few drinks after work and the presence of a Virginia State Police trooper or a Rockingham County sheriff’s deputy is all it takes. Depending on whether this is your first DUI or a repeat offense, there are a variety of charges and potential penalties. No matter the charge, you want to speak with an experienced attorney before you take any action. Our attorney at Corder Law, PLLC, can explain the charges, possible DUI defenses and your legal options.
Penalties And A Criminal Record
Being arrested for DUI is a serious charge in Virginia. Prosecutors are rarely lenient and if you are a student at JMU and age 21 or younger, you need to remember that your legal limit is a blood alcohol content (BAC) of just.02, and a conviction can lead to a year’s license suspension, a significant fine, community service, restrictions on your license and much greater insurance costs. You will have a criminal offense on your record.
For drivers older than 21, the penalties can be greater. For a second DUI, your license could be revoked indefinitely and you could potentially face a mandatory sentence up to one year jail. There are additional DUI charges, such as DUI felony, which is a third conviction within 10 years, which carries additional penalties such as a mandatory 90 days in jail and the forfeiture of your vehicle. Having a high BAC of greater than .15 or .20 carries yet more penalties, as does driving drunk with a child in the vehicle.
Commercial Drivers?
If you drive for a job, your commercial driver’s license (CDL) is your livelihood. If you were passing through the Shenandoah Valley or if you live in the valley, you need to be very concerned if you are stopped for DUI. Commercial drivers are subject to a BAC limit of .04 and you may face greater fines, up to a year in jail and the loss of your job. Keep in mind that a DUI while driving your personal car will cost you your CDL, which is why it is essential that you speak with an attorney immediately after a drunk driving arrest.
Call Today For Experienced DUI Defense
A DUI conviction places your future at risk. Ask for Justin Corder immediately after a DUI charge and let me represent and protect your interests. Call our Harrisonburg office at 540-418-3388 or use our online form.